Implemented projects

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SR 83 Marsicana_installazione segnaletica_20_03_14 (22)Reducing the risk of bear-vehicle collision

Implementation of speed reduction measures along road SR 83 “Marsicana” between Gioia dei Marsi and Gioia Vecchio to prevent bear-vehicle collisions. [Project details]

  • Cost: ca. 7.500 €
  • Implementation date: June 2013 project and organisational phase,– January – May 2014 implementation and installation


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Capracotta_nSanitary control and vaccination of sheep dogs

Vaccination campaign against parvovirus, canine distemper and hepatitis along with Abruzzo Region and local Vets in the Sirente–Velino Regional Park and Abruzzo, Lazio and Molise National Park with specific attention to the Molise side of the National park and the key bear areas of Pescasseroli- Opi –Villetta –Civitella Alfedena – Barrea.

  • Cost: ca. 4.000 €
  • Implementation date: June-November 2013

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tgr_molise_vastogirardi_03Monetary contribution for traffic signals in forestry roads

Salviamo l’Orso supported the initiative of a group of Molise municipalities that, together with the Isernia Chief of Italian Forestry Corps, have regulated the access to some forestry roads in the peripheral area of the Abruzzo, Lazio and Molise National Park (ALMNP). This was within the green corridor between the ALMNP and the Majella National Park in order to protect areas where the Marsican bear has returned. Salviamo l’Orso also bought the signs that, once installed, enforced the municipal law. This project refers to the Action C10of LIFE ARCTOS Project (Interventions to reduce the vehicle access in critical areas of bear presence).

  • Cost: ca 2.000 €
  • Implementation date: November 2013

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IMG_2655Feeding campaign to keep bears away from towns

Ploughing and sowing a fenced-in field of sweet corn and vegetables in the municipality of Villalago (L’Aquila). Monetary contribution from the Association Montagna Grande of Bisegna (L’Aquila) for similar actions (disposable crops and pruning of abandoned orchards).

  • Cost: ca. 800 €
  • Implementation date : October 2013 – March 2014

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Projects in progress

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L'arma bianca_n“Caring for dogs saves the bear”

Additional and more extensive vaccination campaign of sheepdogs, truffle and hunting dogs against parvovirus, canine distemper and hepatitis. Contrast and containment of stray dogs through microchipping which allows us to include these animals on the canine registry, as a permanent record. This project has been made possible thanks to the continued sponsorship of the PATAGONIA and TIDES Foundation and the cooperation of the Abruzzo Regional Nature Conservation Department which provided the vaccines. In addition, Salviamo L’Orso also took part in a similar and joint initiative with ENPA and the Abruzzo, Lazio and Molise National Parks, to reduce the number of stray dogs. This was achieved by buying an additional 400 microchips which have been donated to the National Parks Veterinary Services. [Project details]

  • Cost: ca 5.000 €

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Pannelli-SR-83-Marsicana_29_06_14-(8)We have extended the vehicle-bear collision prevention measures on the roads between: Gioia Vecchia – Opi and Anversa degli Abruzzi – Villalago

The extension of measures to prevent bear-vehicle collisions are based on the model which was implemented in the pilot project on the SR83 road (collegamento ipertestuale), and now includes other road stretches where bear crossings are often reported. These will include the Gioia Vecchio-Opi and Anversa degli Abruzzi-Villalago routes.

  • Cost: c.a. 3.500 €

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sbarre_forestaliClosing of vehicular access to Riserva Integrale “Feudo Intramonti” –Ferroio di Scanno

In Agreement with the municipality of Scanno, Salviamo L’Orso have funded the renovation of two barriers for closing off vehicular access to to the Nature Reserve “Feudo Intramonti” – Ferroio of Scanno, one at Passo Godi and the other in the Tasso Valley. This lobby action was started by a group of Scanno citizens who were concerned about the disturbance caused by tourists in an area of extreme importance for the protected species of wildlife of the Abruzzo, Lazio and Molise National Parks, and specifically the Marsican bear.

  • Cost : ca. 2000 €

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campagna_passaggio_orsoCrowdfunding for purchasing electrical fences and reimbursing bear damage

 Crowdfunding to reimburse bear damage to farming activities and buy electrical fences to protect livestock from the bear. This action takes into account areas such as Monte Genzana Nature Reserve and Upper Sangro, etc., to ensure the peaceful coexistence between man and the Marsican bear.

Salviamo l’Orso continually works to ensure the peaceful coexistence between man and the Marsican bear. Your Donation, no matter how small, will help us buy electric fences. These fences will ensure a greater protection of livestock against predators, and will also reimburse the damage caused to livestock and agriculture in areas, such as Molise and Upper Sangro, where bears are gradually returning. With your help we can really make a difference!

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Thanks to a grant by: Presentation The conservation of the remaining population of the Marsican brown bear is indissolubly linked to the preservation of its natural environment and the availability of food sources. More than 80% of the bear’s diet is made up of fruit and plant foods. The project “The Bear’s Honey” refers to..

  In the autumn 2016, the Abruzzo, Lazio and Molise National Park (ALMNP), ENPA (National Entity for the Protection of Animals) and Salviamo l’Orso completed their stray dog prevention plan. The Plan was prepared with the cooperation of the regional veterinary services of Abruzzo, Lazio and Molise, the veterinary services of the local NHS primary..

Thanks to a grant by: The Bear Smart Community Genzana1 (BSCG) project by Salviamo l’Orso promotes the re-colonization process of the Marsican brown bear (Ursus arctos marsicanus, Altobello 1921) and ensures its persistence in the Central Apennines by preventing conflicts between humans and bears and educating local communities on how to coexist with this Critically..