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Presentation of the project Bear “Smart Community Valle Roveto-Ernici” in a public meeting in Capistrello

22 Agosto 2021 | Non categorizzato

Yesterday has taken place in Capistrello a public meeting presenting the project “Bear Smart Community Valle Roveto-Ernici” supported by Fondation Segrè and the International Association for Bear Research and Management (IBA). The event was organized by the associations Salviamo L’Orso, Rewilding Apennines, Aqule Ambientali, and the Municipality of Capistrello; in attendance were the Civitella Roveto branch of Alpine Club Italy (CAI) and the local population. Salviamo L’Orso and Rewilding Apennines spoke about bear biology and conservation, illustrated the best practices of Human-Bear coexistence, and remarked the importance of Valle Roveto and the Ernici-Simbruini Mountain chain for the #expansion of bear range and population in the Apennines.

The municipality of Capistrello and the Aquile Ambientali association renewed their support for the realization of a local “Bear Smart Community” through practical actions to mitigate human-bear conflict, to improve bear habitat and to favour the coexistence between #bears, the local population and the local economy.
The event was an opportunity for dialogue for the local population, strengthen the synergies between the associations and planning the next activities.
The Aquile Ambientali group will soon post on their Facebook page the draft logo of the Bear Smart Community Valle Roveto-Ernici to solicit feedback on the design of the logo and eventually approve its formal adoption.