Yesterday September 21st, at the cultural center of Gioia dei Marsi a meeting has been held amongst the institutions (ALMNP, Forestry Carabinieri, Abruzzo Region authority and the municipal administration), the organizations (Salviamo l’Orso, WWF and Rewilding Apennines) and the citizenship in order to confront each other on the man-bear coexistence. Indeed, for some consecutive days the village of Gioia dei Marsi and its suburb Casali d’Aschi have been visited by a bear that damaged some chicken coops and apiaries.
Salviamo l’Orso promptly fielded means and personnel to set up, in a few days from the damage episodes, 4 electrical fences and carried out many surveys for the next installations of bear-proof metal doors in order to defend the chicken coops. The citizenship, which has demonstrated tolerance and curiosity towards the new guest, calls for more presence of the institutions involved. We wish a new beginning and a rediscover of the ancient and precious relationship that join man to the surrounded environment.