On June 3rd SLO hit the road to “bring the bear” to the students of secondary school of Cercemaggiore (CB) with the program “Meet the bear in your park”.
In an area close to the town, the students discovered their local nature through practical engagement by walking in nature and participating in interpretive activities, learning about the many mysteries of the bear and the other wildlife that live in Molise. They also played quizzes and games which allowed them to experience the world through the bear’s senses.
Moreover, on Sunday June 5th, during the weekly opening of the Bear Museum, some students from Spinete (CB) accompanied by their special teacher Sara, who is a SLO volunteer, spent a remarkable day learning through entertainment, with both indoor and outdoor activities.
A special thank goes to our Serena, Sara, Erennio, Caterina and Dara for all the educative activities that they carried out together recently with the little bear ambassadors!