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Wonderful news comes from the Monte Genzana Alto Gizio Nature Reserve

17 Marzo 2022 | Non categorizzato

Wonderful news comes from the Monte Genzana Alto Gizio Nature Reserve: the Marsican bear that had disappeared after being hit along the SS17 in the night between 22 and 23 June 2021 survived the accident!

The genetic analysis of the hair samples taken from the truck that had made impact with the animal lead us to identify the bear as M.150, a male already known to the staff of the protected area.

In fact, in mid-July last year, a genetic hair-snagging trap set up by the Reserve technicians captured a sample of hair that the analysis recognized as belonging to the same bear. Furthermore, images taken on a camera trap which was installed on site ascertained that the individual was in good health and had not suffered any obvious trauma.

This story reminds us that caution alone is not enough when driving on mountain roads, and that we must respect the speed limits and always be aware that wildlife can cross at any time.

