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/ what we do / communication


Spreading correct information and stimulating dialogue are key ingredients of human-bear coexistence.

Since its inception, Salviamo l’Orso has emphasized communication actions aimed at all age groups and categories of stakeholders.

our communication activities

Educational activities

Salviamo l’Orso’s educational proposal combines the opportunity for outdoor activities with the goal of introducing students to the Marsican brown bear, because it is the younger generation that will become the guardians of this species. Know to appreciate; appreciate to conserve. This is the leitmotif of the initiative. Activities in nature for children are a key prerogative because they provide benefits for their mental and physical development and well-being. Outdoor activities, involving all the senses, are preferred for full exploration of the natural environment. Team play, stimulation of creativity and direct interactions form the methodological basis of the activities, made more effective by the more interpretive approach to communication.

If you are a teacher and would like your students to have this experience, please contact us

Public events

We are always happy to expand our network, compare, discuss. Listening to the voice of local communities is an essential part of our work. That is why we are always happy to organize public events to talk about nature, bears and coexistence. If you would like to organize a meeting in your municipality get in touch with us.


Let’s Save the Bear has produced two low-budget documentaries with the aim of raising awareness of as many people as possible and empowering the actions and battles we wage on the ground.
Both of our documentaries were shot by Cypriot director Constantinos Christou, a passionate volunteer for Let’s Save the Bear and founder of the production company Treehouse Film.

Editorial projects

Valuing the contribution everyone is willing to make is one of the key values of our association.
What better way than a book to tell the story of the wonder of our mountains? By purchasing the books written by our members and printed by Salviamo l’Orso you will make a concrete contribution to the conservation of the Marsican bear.


Waiting for the snow

Abandoned ski lifts in the central Apennines are causing environmental and economic destruction. These resorts, once popular destinations for winter sports enthusiasts, are often left in a state of neglect. Skeletons of past winters that reduce environmental quality and negatively impact the local economy. In the context of climate change, which will lead to higher and higher temperatures and shorter and shorter winters, does it make sense to invest money to create new plants?

Bear Lands

The Marsican brown bear is part of the extraordinary natural heritage of the central Apennines. Centuries ago this endemic subspecies thrived in the region, but now it is considered critically endangered. Human interference threatens the potential for bear population growth and their chances of survival in the area. This film documents the lives of Marsican bears and the challenges they face, raising awareness of Save the Bear’s efforts to preserve them.

Save the Bear
Association for the Conservation of the Marsican Brown Bear ONLUS
Via Parco degli Ulivi, 11
65015 Montesilvano (PE)

VAT: 02189990688
CF: 91117950682
MAIL: info@salviamolorso.it
PEC: ass.salviamolorso@pec.it