/ who we are / why we save the bear.
why we save the bear
The Marsican brown bear is in Critical Danger of Extinction and, despite the renewed commitment and interest of the institutions in charge of its protection, it still shows no signs of a decisive turnaround that could remove it from the danger of extinction.
In addition to the measures that need to be put into practice by the various agencies in charge of protecting the bear’s environment, a collective awareness is needed that recognizes the battle for the bear’s survival as a cultural emergency not only in the affected regions, but of the entire country.Securing a future for the bear in central Italy today has the same value and profound significance for Italy as the preservation of a unique archaeological site in the world, such as Pompeii. Around this awareness Salviamo l’Orso was born, consisting of a group of people who care about the survival of the bear and decided to make a serious commitment to ensure that this awareness infects the wider public. Let’s Save the Bear will not only lead a battle of cultural address and awareness-raising, but intends to engage in finding sponsors and private funds to take concrete action to help the species.
Save the Bear wants to do, concretely do.
Read our bylaws
In action for the bear
KM of barbed wire removed
Water collection tanks secured
Vaccinated sheepdogs
Fences installed free of charge
Pruned fruit trees
Garbage collection days

To contribute to the knowledge and dissemination of the status of the species and the threats to it.
Promote and stimulate relationships among agencies and institutions responsible for the conservation of the species.
Monitor the territory in order to promptly report situations of risk or abuse on natural habitats.
To study and fund projects to protect the species and its natural habitat, carried out with the help of members and volunteers.

Join Save the Bear,
imagine with us
The future of bears in the Apennines.
Donate now, Associate or support our initiatives.

Save the Bear
Association for the Conservation of the Marsican Brown Bear ONLUS
Olive Park Street, 11
65015 Montesilvano (PE)
VAT NUMBER: 02189990688
CF: 91117950682
MAIL: info@salviamolorso.it
PEC: ass.salviamolorso@pec.it